Perhaps the Windows Event Viewer can offer you some guidance. If you don't get a crash window then it's probably a hardware conflict of some type, but again. If you get a crash window submit it to Autodesk and they can tell you what module the crash was in if you post your submit # here and perform the ritual to summon an Autodesk employee mention). Most folks on the forums won't be able to repro your problem and without a supported installer version it's very difficult to help solve this problem. Report 1 Like Reply Message 3 of 14 dr. If you want this feature you have to look for a 3rd party renderer that is supported for Maya 2020. Arnold can do diffuse lighting, but does not support GI/Photons as in Mental Ray. Even NVIDIA won't be able to help provide support. Mental Ray is no longer developed and part of Maya (since years), so there is no Mental Ray version for Maya 2020. I realize that I'm steering you away from MR and that's not what you want, but it's discontinued and it's time to upgrade your process. That being said you can still fake AO with a gradient ramp and a fresnel falloff with scanline in many cases. It's changed my life when it comes to texturing.

Or, I can't say enough positive things about Substance Painter if you haven't tried it yet it'll do what you're asking and way more.

Usually a dome light and the default AO in any renderer will look good. AO's baking dirty is simply a function of sampling but it doesn't mean those renders are bad or anything.